Be Your Best, When You Need It The Most.
Trusted experience and expertise that helps organizations get the best out of their people and people get the best out of themselves.
Intentional Focus:
Essential Leadership Skills for the Workplace
Research in education and brain-based learning theory indicates that experiential education is the most effective method for accelerating meaningful behavioural change and skill development. When we learn through experience, inquiry, critical thinking, and interaction, our insight is more likely to lead to perspective shifts that will change our behaviour in a meaningful and lasting manner.
Be part of this great experience!
Increase your energy, sense of control, impact, meaning in life and confidence by developing essential skills and behaviours to:
- Manage and reduce conflict,
- Plan and solve problems collaboratively,
- Increase your productivity and energy,
- Communicate so your needs and ideas are understood,
- Handle stress so you are at your best when it matters most, and
- Grow your confidence to take on challenges you never thought possible.
Karolyn Godfrey
Owner/trainer/facilitator, Karolyn Godfrey, has over twenty years of experience simplifying and managing complicated processes, projects and situations for individuals and corporate, not-for-profit, government, political and professional organizations.
She uses her legal skills, experiential education training, original research, conflict management expertise and gender and diversity analysis training to develop and facilitate training, group processes and multi-year projects. She also offers high impact one-on-one services for individuals.
Karolyn is a CMHA Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor.